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STBA* December 2024

Join us for all or part of the day. We will gather at 9:00 a.m, enjoy time together as a large group, move into small groups and provide time for socializing and individual sewing.

Two speakers will share presentations for the December 11 STBA day. 

Becky Fielder will share some holiday cheer with her handmade holiday ornaments. They have an option pocket just the right size to tuck in cash, cheque, gift card or small gift. The little ornaments are the perfect palette to use one of your favourite techniques or a golden opportunity to try something new. All you need are a few scraps of fabric, a small square of batting, a bit of ribbon and a dash of imagination. The possibilities are endless. 

Jane Haworth’s “Fabric Collage: What’s It All About?” will feature a slideshow and trunk show, where we will learn more about the Fabric Collage trend, who’s making fabric collage and how Jane makes her fabric collage quilts. See various examples of Jane’s work over the years. How she has progressed from only making fish quilts, working through various themes to sharing her newer collaged pieces. Part of the lecture will be “how-to” instructions if you are new to fabric collage. Jane will guide you through instructions for designing your own collage patterns, using photos or other images and how to enlarge the design. Learn about color and fabric choices, tools that are required and finally Jane’s relaxed technique that doesn’t require making pattern pieces, fusible products but glue to hold the collage. She will also talk about free-motion quilting for collage and how to finish those quilts. Enjoy this colorful lecture that will have you saving all your scraps for some new projects.

After registering via the online store for this day, please send an email to

*Additional Fee Applicable

December 4

Gatherings - December

December 18

GUILD MEETING - Joe Cunningham