We are excited to welcome Judi Kirk to our May meeting. Judi has always enjoyed crafts of all kinds, from flower arranging to rug making, and she collected quilts long before she began to make them. She began patchwork and quilting more than 25 years ago, and it became a life-long passion! Judi enjoys all kinds of patchwork and quilting but particularly loves the bold designs of modern quilts. She is a member of both the Modern section of the Quilters Guild of the British Isles and also the US-based international Modern Quilt Guild.
In her presentation, “25 Years of Tips, Tricks and Techniques”, Judi will share a host of tips and tricks for making patchwork and quilting easier, faster or simply better, based on what she has learned as a quilter who has spent a lot of that time in Guild meetings and workshops across two continents.
This presentation includes ideas and techniques that she has found especially useful over the years as well as answering the questions most often asked in workshops. As a qualified quilt judge, Judi will also address some issues that judges often see and penalise, but which are relatively easily rectified.
Judi comes to us from Canterbury, England, a World Heritage site roughly 70 miles from London. Together with her supportive husband, they have one son, who lives and works in London.
To learn more about Judi, explore her website: https://www.judikirk.com/